TLS was last updated
on June 12, 2024.

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Team Scouting Report
(As Of 06/10/2024)
Section - Middle States
Area - Delaware
League - Mixed 40 & Over
Flight - 8.0 DD Mixed Doubles
Rez WTFault! 40+
League Record: 8 - 2
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Amanda Laskowski - 4.15
Chuck Jones - 4.14
Christopher Jones - 4.08
Tegia Boswell - 4.06
Laura Capuano - 4.05
John Bishop - 4.03
David Arscott - 3.74
Danielle Salsbury - 3.73
David Resurreccion - 3.72
Anthony Blansfield - 3.70
Michele Chapman - 3.62
Angela Bement - 3.61
Colleen Dumas - 3.58
Michael Robinson - 3.53
Marcea Hummel - 3.46
Greg Merlino - 3.30
Taya Dianna - 3.26
Marcia Hiehle - 3.24
Pamela Petrine - 3.22
Kevin Chapman - 3.11
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Chuck Jones - 4.14 & Pamela Petrine - 3.22 2 - 2
Chuck Jones - 4.14 & Marcia Hiehle - 3.24 0 - 1
Pamela Petrine - 3.22 & Christopher Jones - 4.08 1 - 0
Christopher Jones - 4.08 & Marcia Hiehle - 3.24 0 - 1
Christopher Jones - 4.08 & Marcea Hummel - 3.46 1 - 0
Danielle Salsbury - 3.73 & David Arscott - 3.74 3 - 0
Danielle Salsbury - 3.73 & Kevin Chapman - 3.11 0 - 1
Colleen Dumas - 3.58 & Greg Merlino - 3.30 0 - 1
Colleen Dumas - 3.58 & Anthony Blansfield - 3.70 1 - 0 1 - 1
David Arscott - 3.74 & Michele Chapman - 3.62 1 - 0
Kevin Chapman - 3.11 & Laura Capuano - 4.05 1 - 0 1 - 0
Amanda Laskowski - 4.15 & Michael Robinson - 3.53 2 - 0
John Bishop - 4.03 & Michele Chapman - 3.62 1 - 0
John Bishop - 4.03 & Marcea Hummel - 3.46 1 - 0
David Resurreccion - 3.72 & Angela Bement - 3.61 0 - 1
David Resurreccion - 3.72 & Tegia Boswell - 4.06 1 - 0 1 - 0
Taya Dianna - 3.26 & Christopher Jones - 4.08 1 - 0 1 - 0 1 - 0
Grim Reapers
League Record: 7 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Henrik Svensson - 4.24
Christopher Kyper - 4.22
Canh Ho - 4.18
Nick Bonkoski - 3.91
Tomiko Saito - 3.57
David Rappaport - 3.54
Tyrone Aguillard - 3.47
David Dill - 3.40
Dinali Jayanetti - 3.39
Joan Steinhardt - 3.36
Ekaterina Swearingen - 3.28
Ann Grim - 3.11
Denise Knestaut - 3.08
Ronald Woody - n/a
Kim Siciliano - n/a
George Ruf - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
David Dill - 3.40 & Joan Steinhardt - 3.36 0 - 1
David Dill - 3.40 & Tomiko Saito - 3.57 0 - 1
Ann Grim - 3.11 & Christopher Kyper - 4.22 0 - 1
Ann Grim - 3.11 & Nick Bonkoski - 3.91 1 - 1
Ann Grim - 3.11 & Henrik Svensson - 4.24 0 - 1
Joan Steinhardt - 3.36 & Ronald Woody - n/a 1 - 1
Joan Steinhardt - 3.36 & Tyrone Aguillard - 3.47 0 - 1
Christopher Kyper - 4.22 & Dinali Jayanetti - 3.39 4 - 0 2 - 0
Nick Bonkoski - 3.91 & Dinali Jayanetti - 3.39 0 - 1
Nick Bonkoski - 3.91 & Denise Knestaut - 3.08 0 - 1
George Ruf - n/a & Dinali Jayanetti - 3.39 1 - 0
George Ruf - n/a & Kim Siciliano - n/a 0 - 1
Dinali Jayanetti - 3.39 & Henrik Svensson - 4.24 1 - 0
Kim Siciliano - n/a & David Rappaport - 3.54 1 - 0 1 - 0
Ekaterina Swearingen - 3.28 & Canh Ho - 4.18 0 - 1 2 - 0 2 - 0
Tyrone Aguillard - 3.47 & Tomiko Saito - 3.57 1 - 0
Love Has No Pride
League Record: 1 - 9
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Todd Brown - 4.00
Tim Davis - 3.73
Anne Riley - 3.72
Lesley Nicolson - 3.66
Sergei Leonov - 3.63
Augusto Francisco - 3.62
Diane Maund - 3.60
Ada Martini - 3.60
Michelle Hinton - 3.47
Irene Acosta - 3.46
Charity Miller - 3.45
James Taylor - 3.42
Frank Meeuwissen - 3.42
Lesley Oakes - 3.38
Doris Higgins - 3.34
Andrea Finn - 3.24
Derik Zhou - 3.17
Jennifer Hanak - 2.98
Tim Oakes - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Irene Acosta - 3.46 & Tim Davis - 3.73 0 - 1
Irene Acosta - 3.46 & Augusto Francisco - 3.62 2 - 0
Anne Riley - 3.72 & Augusto Francisco - 3.62 0 - 1
Anne Riley - 3.72 & Todd Brown - 4.00 0 - 1
Tim Davis - 3.73 & Lesley Nicolson - 3.66 1 - 1 2 - 0
Sergei Leonov - 3.63 & Andrea Finn - 3.24 0 - 1
Sergei Leonov - 3.63 & Jennifer Hanak - 2.98 0 - 1
Frank Meeuwissen - 3.42 & Ada Martini - 3.60 0 - 1 0 - 1
Augusto Francisco - 3.62 & Lesley Nicolson - 3.66 0 - 1
Augusto Francisco - 3.62 & Andrea Finn - 3.24 0 - 1
Doris Higgins - 3.34 & Frank Meeuwissen - 3.42 0 - 1
Doris Higgins - 3.34 & Todd Brown - 4.00 2 - 0
James Taylor - 3.42 & Michelle Hinton - 3.47 0 - 3
Lesley Oakes - 3.38 & Derik Zhou - 3.17 1 - 0
Lesley Oakes - 3.38 & Tim Oakes - n/a 0 - 1
Todd Brown - 4.00 & Ada Martini - 3.60 1 - 0
Todd Brown - 4.00 & Diane Maund - 3.60 0 - 1
Diane Maund - 3.60 & Sergei Leonov - 3.63 1 - 0
Diane Maund - 3.60 & Frank Meeuwissen - 3.42 0 - 1
Charity Miller - 3.45 & Tim Davis - 3.73 0 - 1
Charity Miller - 3.45 & Derik Zhou - 3.17 0 - 1
League Record: 1 - 9
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Court Heinle - 3.90
Ash Swayne - 3.76
Santosh Gaikwad - 3.66
Emma Collina - 3.63
Christine Crowe - 3.57
Kim Clearkin - 3.55
Mark Gullo - 3.46
Peter Leida - 3.37
Jodi Knapp - 3.37
Brian Crevasse - 3.36
Stephanie Stanislawczyk - 3.34
Anthony Boswell - 3.31
Amy Leida - 3.31
Rebecca Swayne - 3.29
Julie Stolnis - 3.17
Scott Smith - 3.16
Jill Flambaum - 3.13
Andrew Slowik - 3.12
Rogier Doekes - n/a
Julie Senko - n/a
Joana Gaizelyte-Lacy - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Christine Crowe - 3.57 & Court Heinle - 3.90 1 - 1
Emma Collina - 3.63 & Scott Smith - 3.16 0 - 1
Emma Collina - 3.63 & Mark Gullo - 3.46 0 - 1
Jill Flambaum - 3.13 & Court Heinle - 3.90 0 - 1
Julie Senko - n/a & Brian Crevasse - 3.36 0 - 1 0 - 1
Jodi Knapp - 3.37 & Mark Gullo - 3.46 0 - 1
Jodi Knapp - 3.37 & Santosh Gaikwad - 3.66 1 - 0
Joana Gaizelyte-Lacy - n/a & Andrew Slowik - 3.12 0 - 1
Joana Gaizelyte-Lacy - n/a & Rogier Doekes - n/a 0 - 1
Anthony Boswell - 3.31 & Kim Clearkin - 3.55 0 - 1 1 - 1
Stephanie Stanislawczyk - 3.34 & Andrew Slowik - 3.12 0 - 1
Stephanie Stanislawczyk - 3.34 & Santosh Gaikwad - 3.66 0 - 1
Stephanie Stanislawczyk - 3.34 & Court Heinle - 3.90 0 - 1
Julie Stolnis - 3.17 & Santosh Gaikwad - 3.66 0 - 1 0 - 1
Julie Stolnis - 3.17 & Court Heinle - 3.90 0 - 1 1 - 0
Amy Leida - 3.31 & Peter Leida - 3.37 0 - 1 0 - 1 0 - 1
Rebecca Swayne - 3.29 & Ash Swayne - 3.76 0 - 3 1 - 0
Kim Clearkin - 3.55 & Brian Crevasse - 3.36 0 - 1
League Record: 7 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
David Chee - 4.28
Emily Serwo - 4.22
William Celtnieks - 4.09
Rob Allison - 4.09
Chishu Chang - 4.01
Lloyd Pearson - 3.81
Aaron Palmer - 3.79
Elizabeth Bernabeo - 3.71
Suzanne Tamassia - 3.70
Gabriella Feldman - 3.65
Jerome Napson - 3.56
Mary Brewster - 3.55
Bill Richins - 3.51
Theresa Stover - 3.42
Stephane Ritz - 3.41
Karla Spicer - 3.35
Vickie Tully - 3.22
Perri Volz - 3.10
Sarah Chang - 3.09
Hungcheng Chen - n/a
Greg Volz - n/a
Erni Rocker - n/a
Ashley Harris - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
Mary Brewster - 3.55 & Stephane Ritz - 3.41 0 - 1
Mary Brewster - 3.55 & Erni Rocker - n/a 1 - 0
Jerome Napson - 3.56 & Suzanne Tamassia - 3.70 0 - 1
Jerome Napson - 3.56 & Chishu Chang - 4.01 1 - 1
Jerome Napson - 3.56 & Vickie Tully - 3.22 0 - 1
Stephane Ritz - 3.41 & Ashley Harris - n/a 1 - 1
Perri Volz - 3.10 & Hungcheng Chen - n/a 0 - 1
David Chee - 4.28 & Karla Spicer - 3.35 1 - 0
David Chee - 4.28 & Sarah Chang - 3.09 1 - 1
Bill Richins - 3.51 & Theresa Stover - 3.42 1 - 0
Bill Richins - 3.51 & Elizabeth Bernabeo - 3.71 0 - 1
Karla Spicer - 3.35 & Rob Allison - 4.09 1 - 0
Hungcheng Chen - n/a & Sarah Chang - 3.09 1 - 1
Erni Rocker - n/a & Gabriella Feldman - 3.65 1 - 0
Rob Allison - 4.09 & Gabriella Feldman - 3.65 1 - 0
Greg Volz - n/a & Emily Serwo - 4.22 1 - 0
Vickie Tully - 3.22 & Rob Allison - 4.09 0 - 1
Lloyd Pearson - 3.81 & Chishu Chang - 4.01 1 - 0
Lloyd Pearson - 3.81 & Elizabeth Bernabeo - 3.71 1 - 0 1 - 0
William Celtnieks - 4.09 & Karla Spicer - 3.35 1 - 0 0 - 1
William Celtnieks - 4.09 & Theresa Stover - 3.42 0 - 1
Aaron Palmer - 3.79 & Suzanne Tamassia - 3.70 2 - 0
League Record: 6 - 4
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Catalin Popescu - 4.30
Robin Laperle - 3.75
Nick Rizzo - 3.75
Ann Rizzo - 3.75
Kenneth Halaby - 3.69
Minako Kobayashi - 3.63
Carlos Amezcua - 3.62
Ellen Trzuskowski - 3.60
Thomas Jeanson - 3.59
Edward Bouscaren - 3.59
Cindy Beach - 3.56
Heather Duong - 3.53
Katrina dowidchuk - 3.28
Dan Duong - 3.28
Victoria Jones - n/a
Kristen Bender - n/a
John Irwin - n/a
H David Mitchell - n/a
League Results By Position
1D 2D 3D
John Irwin - n/a & Robin Laperle - 3.75 1 - 0
Robin Laperle - 3.75 & Carlos Amezcua - 3.62 0 - 1
Robin Laperle - 3.75 & Edward Bouscaren - 3.59 0 - 1
Robin Laperle - 3.75 & Kenneth Halaby - 3.69 1 - 0 1 - 0
Robin Laperle - 3.75 & Thomas Jeanson - 3.59 1 - 0 0 - 1
H David Mitchell - n/a & Kristen Bender - n/a 0 - 1
H David Mitchell - n/a & Minako Kobayashi - 3.63 0 - 1
Ann Rizzo - 3.75 & Nick Rizzo - 3.75 1 - 2
Carlos Amezcua - 3.62 & Heather Duong - 3.53 0 - 1
Carlos Amezcua - 3.62 & Victoria Jones - n/a 2 - 0
Carlos Amezcua - 3.62 & Ellen Trzuskowski - 3.60 0 - 1
Catalin Popescu - 4.30 & Heather Duong - 3.53 1 - 0
Catalin Popescu - 4.30 & Katrina dowidchuk - 3.28 1 - 0
Heather Duong - 3.53 & Dan Duong - 3.28 0 - 1 1 - 0
Cindy Beach - 3.56 & Carlos Amezcua - 3.62 1 - 0
Cindy Beach - 3.56 & Edward Bouscaren - 3.59 1 - 0
Minako Kobayashi - 3.63 & Carlos Amezcua - 3.62 1 - 0 0 - 1
Minako Kobayashi - 3.63 & Edward Bouscaren - 3.59 1 - 0 1 - 0
Thomas Jeanson - 3.59 & Victoria Jones - n/a 0 - 1
Thomas Jeanson - 3.59 & Ellen Trzuskowski - 3.60 1 - 0